property, Tulsa, Oklahoma City

324 W 49th St N.

City:  Tulsa

Zip:  74126

Region:  North

Company ID:  Z556

Total Sale:  $46,000.00

Amount Financed:  $45,000.00

Years Financed:  20

Interest Rate:  10%

Option Down:  $1,000.00

Monthly Payment:  $435.00

Bedrooms:  3

Baths:  1

Garage Size:  0

Square Feet:  1128

Description:  This property has 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Please come into our office located on 4501 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 to pickup/fill out an application. If you are not located in the Tulsa area, please give us a call and we can email/fax/mail you a copy of the application. Our office hours are from 9:00 am- 5:00 pm Monday-Friday. Our phone number is 918-493-6441.

Condition:  If you have questions regarding this property or to schedule a viewing after completing the application process, please call our Property Manager, Jim at 918-636-7527.