property, Tulsa, Oklahoma City

1639 N Boston Pl E

City:  Tulsa

Zip:  74106

Region:  North

Company ID:  Z572

Total Sale:  $51,500.00

Amount Financed:  $50,000.00

Years Financed:  20

Interest Rate:  10%

Option Down:  $1,500.00

Monthly Payment:  $483.00

Bedrooms:  2

Baths:  1

Garage Size:  0

Square Feet:  912

Description:  This property has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room and a garden room. Located in a nice neighborhood. Please come into our office located on 4501 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 to pickup/fill out an application. Our office hours are from 9am- 5pm Monday-Friday. Our phone number is 918-493-6441

Condition:  This property has no kitchen cabinets, washer/dryer hookup, no air conditioning (a coil and compressor) and no garage. The property needs to refinish the hardwood floors, the back door needs trimming, the doors need to be rehung, the kitchen floor needs work and the property needs base board trim. This property is sold "as is." For more information about the property, please contact Grant at 918-636-7527.

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